
The implants of the PeriActiv range are intended for osteosynthesis of femoral periprosthetic fractures in adults. Contra-indications : • Serious vascular deterioration, bone devitalization. • Pregnancy. • Acute or chronic local or systemic infections. • Lack of musculo-cutaneous cover, severe vascular deficiency affecting the concerned area. • Insufficient bone Altération osseuse ne permettant pas une tenue correcte des vis dans l’os. • Muscalar deficit, neurological deficiency or behavioral disorders, which could submit th implant to abnormal mechanical strains. • Allergy to one of the materials used or sensitivity to foreign bodies. • Serious problems of non-compliance, mental or neurological disorders, failure to follow post-operative care recommendations. • Unstable physical and/or mental condition. TECHNICAL FEATURES: Stable plating system for improved fatigue performance: titanium alloy, holes in a staggered line pattern evenly distributing the mechanical stresses, and reinforced core screws A plate compatible with many cerclage cable systems (porotic bones) Dualtec System technology: all holes are polyaxial and allow +/- 12.5° angulation (25° cone) thus providing optimal stability to the construct notably in case of porotic bones and avoiding damage to previously implanted material (divergent screw orientation) IMPLANTS: Symmetrical periprosthetic femur diaphysis plates coming in 2 sizes (238 & 314 mm, featuring respectively 12 & 16 holes) Single fixation: Ø4.5 mm locking and self-tapping screws, length 15 to 30 mm (3mm increment) and 30 to 50 mm (5mm increment)

